About Michelle morgan (Athr)
Hi, I'm Michelle and I use she/her pronouns. I'm a queer cis-woman, registered arts therapist, spiritual care practitioner, lecturer, multi-modal creative, and I've been walking the path of healing and creativity for around twenty-five years. I have lived experience of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), endometriosis, depression and anxiety. I have engaged in extensive training in person-centred approaches to therapy, and maintain a personal creative practice which continues to nourish and enliven me.
I am passionate about creating gentle and supportive spaces that allow people to be as they are, bringing a deep listening presence through the modalities of spiritual care and creative arts therapies, so they can acknowledge, hold, and explore their lived experience. I do this through individual sessions, and online and face-to-face programs. I specialise in supporting people through difficult transitions in life, as well as those experiencing depression or anxiety, grief and loss, chronic illness, stress, and uncertainty, drawing upon existing strengths and resources, and supporting meaning making.
Since my early twenties, I've run businesses offering wholistic massage therapy, community singing facilitation, and individual and group art therapy, providing services in community health, aged care, hospital and community settings with people from all walks of life. I've also worked in research and project roles in the area of spiritual care, and currently work as a spiritual care practitioner in a major Melbourne hospital.
I live from core values of integrity, service, emergence, creativity and compassion.
You're welcome to give me a call to chat about how I can best support you.
I am passionate about creating gentle and supportive spaces that allow people to be as they are, bringing a deep listening presence through the modalities of spiritual care and creative arts therapies, so they can acknowledge, hold, and explore their lived experience. I do this through individual sessions, and online and face-to-face programs. I specialise in supporting people through difficult transitions in life, as well as those experiencing depression or anxiety, grief and loss, chronic illness, stress, and uncertainty, drawing upon existing strengths and resources, and supporting meaning making.
Since my early twenties, I've run businesses offering wholistic massage therapy, community singing facilitation, and individual and group art therapy, providing services in community health, aged care, hospital and community settings with people from all walks of life. I've also worked in research and project roles in the area of spiritual care, and currently work as a spiritual care practitioner in a major Melbourne hospital.
I live from core values of integrity, service, emergence, creativity and compassion.
You're welcome to give me a call to chat about how I can best support you.
Formal Qualifications & Professional History
Professional Development:
Publications & Scholarly Achievements: Publication: Morgan (2019). ‘Mandala a day’: An artist’s anchor in the void. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Art Therapy, Vol. 14, No. 1. Poster Presentation: Morgan, Periera-Salgado, Boyd, Mader, Walker, and Islam (2015). Developing an online resource for religious and cultural advance care planning – a literature review. Advance Care Planning & End of Life Care National Conference, Melbourne, Victoria Publication: Morgan, McInerney, Rumbold and Liamputtong (2009). Drawing the experience of chronic vaginal thrush and complementary and alternative medicine. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. Publication: Morgan (2008). Initial Results of the Victorian Audit of Pastoral Care Resources. Australian Journal of Pastoral Care and Health, Vol. 2, No. 2. Publication: Morgan (2008). A Pastoral Heart. Reflections upon studies in pastoral care. Australian Journal of Pastoral Care and Health Vol. 2, No. 2. Publication: Morgan, Hayes, Williamson and Ford (2007). Men’s Sheds. A community approach to mental health and wellbeing. International Journal Mental Health Promotion. Conference Presentation: Men’s Sheds. A community approach to mental health and wellbeing. At ‘Kindling the Flame’, Feb 2007 in Perth. Honours Thesis: Chronic Vaginal Thrush and Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2007). Winner of Award for Top Honours Thesis in School of Public Health, 2007 Winner Australian Health Promotion Association Student of the Year 2006, and Carole Bailey Award Scholarship recipient for Pauline Toner Award 2006 Honorary Mention for APHA student of the year 2005 Scholarship recipient for Lincoln SCU Health Sciences 2005 |
Association Memberships:
Michelle has facilitated creative arts therapies and educational sessions for:
As a therapist, my ability to journey with feelings, stay present to my moment to moment experiencing, and to know what supports and nourishes me, directly links to my capacity to hold space for and journey with others. Over the years I have engaged in a range of personal, spiritual and professional development intensives, workshops and modalities. I continue to nourish and develop my own creative explorations.
Some of the work that has deeply supported me in healing, transformation and growth is listed below.
Of course, we each have our own path to follow, so please trust in your own impulse and engage in paths that feel supportive to you. If you'd like to know more about these intensives and modalities, please feel free to give me a call to chat.
Soulcraft and Wild Mind - Soulcraft Australia (Animas Valley Institute - trainers travel from the US)
Nature-based soul work, engaging deep imagination, ritual and ceremony, myth, dreamwork.
Wild Mind is the healing and wholing work, Soulcraft is the soul work - enabling us to live our deepest purpose.
Possibility Management - Possibility Management Australia (trainers in Australia and Germany) and The Art of Relating
Adult initiation work, feelings-based, new maps for life to support flourishing. Expand the Box and Possibility Labs are offered in five-day intensives.
Somatic Experiencing - Trauma release work (practitioners available in Australia)
Specific healing work around trauma. Absolutely essential in learning how to navigate the nervous system.
Deep process work in a small community of women over the course of 14 years. Red Tent Australia is a good place to start if you're looking to connect with a circle.
In addition to my personal development, I'm a bit of a research nerd and have published a number of peer reviewed articles in public health, spiritual care and arts therapy journals.
I've also published 'A Guide to Community Singing Leadership' with Community Music Victoria, and recently published 'The Creative Soul Mandala Oracle', a set of 42 Oracle cards and accompanying 108-page booklet.
Some of the work that has deeply supported me in healing, transformation and growth is listed below.
Of course, we each have our own path to follow, so please trust in your own impulse and engage in paths that feel supportive to you. If you'd like to know more about these intensives and modalities, please feel free to give me a call to chat.
Soulcraft and Wild Mind - Soulcraft Australia (Animas Valley Institute - trainers travel from the US)
Nature-based soul work, engaging deep imagination, ritual and ceremony, myth, dreamwork.
Wild Mind is the healing and wholing work, Soulcraft is the soul work - enabling us to live our deepest purpose.
Possibility Management - Possibility Management Australia (trainers in Australia and Germany) and The Art of Relating
Adult initiation work, feelings-based, new maps for life to support flourishing. Expand the Box and Possibility Labs are offered in five-day intensives.
Somatic Experiencing - Trauma release work (practitioners available in Australia)
Specific healing work around trauma. Absolutely essential in learning how to navigate the nervous system.
Deep process work in a small community of women over the course of 14 years. Red Tent Australia is a good place to start if you're looking to connect with a circle.
In addition to my personal development, I'm a bit of a research nerd and have published a number of peer reviewed articles in public health, spiritual care and arts therapy journals.
I've also published 'A Guide to Community Singing Leadership' with Community Music Victoria, and recently published 'The Creative Soul Mandala Oracle', a set of 42 Oracle cards and accompanying 108-page booklet.
If you are interested to learn more about the practice of Creative Arts Therapies, please visit the following websites.
Australia & New Zealand and Asia Creative Arts Therapy Association (ANZACATA)
The MIECAT Institute
Carla van Laar - carlavanlaar.com/
Annie Sloss - anniesloss.com.au
Jennifer Berlingieri - http://creativeartstherapy.com.au/
Cathy Malchiodi - http://www.cathymalchiodi.com/about/what-is-art-therapy/
Melbourne Art Therapy - http://www.melbournearttherapy.com.au/
Pat B. Allen - http://www.patballen.com/index.html
Art Therapy Without Borders - http://www.atwb.org/
Australia & New Zealand and Asia Creative Arts Therapy Association (ANZACATA)
The MIECAT Institute
Carla van Laar - carlavanlaar.com/
Annie Sloss - anniesloss.com.au
Jennifer Berlingieri - http://creativeartstherapy.com.au/
Cathy Malchiodi - http://www.cathymalchiodi.com/about/what-is-art-therapy/
Melbourne Art Therapy - http://www.melbournearttherapy.com.au/
Pat B. Allen - http://www.patballen.com/index.html
Art Therapy Without Borders - http://www.atwb.org/
These are some of my favourite authors in the realms of creativity, healing and spirituality. Each of these books has touched my heart in some way and I express my deepest gratitude for the gifts they have offered.
Allen, P. (1995). Art as a way of knowing. A guide to self-knowledge and spiritual fulfilment through creativity
Allen, P. (2005). Art is a spiritual path. Engaging the sacred through the practice of art and writing
Cameron, J. (1995) The Artist's Way. A spiritual path to higher creativity
Cameron, J. (1997). The Vein of Gold. A journey to your creative heart
Cameron, J. (2002). Walking in this World. The practical art of creativity
Cameron, J. (1996). The Right to Write. An invitation and initiation into the writing life.
Gendlin, E. (1982) Focusing.
Goldman, N. (1986) Writing Down the Bones. Freeing the writer within.
Kornfield, J (1993). A Path with Heart. The perils and promises of spiritual life
Levine, P. (1997) Waking the Tiger - Healing Trauma
Levine, P. (2010) In an Unspoken Voice. How the body releases trauma and restores goodness
Levine, S (1997) A Year to Live. How to live this year as if it were your last.
Moore, T (1995). Care for the soul. A guide for creating depth and sacredness in everyday life
Neff, K. (2011). Self-compassion. Stop beating yourself up and leave insecurity behind
Plotkin, B. (2003). Soulcraft: Crossing into the mysteries of nature and psyche
Werner, K (1996). Effortless Mastery. Liberating the master musician within.
Allen, P. (1995). Art as a way of knowing. A guide to self-knowledge and spiritual fulfilment through creativity
Allen, P. (2005). Art is a spiritual path. Engaging the sacred through the practice of art and writing
Cameron, J. (1995) The Artist's Way. A spiritual path to higher creativity
Cameron, J. (1997). The Vein of Gold. A journey to your creative heart
Cameron, J. (2002). Walking in this World. The practical art of creativity
Cameron, J. (1996). The Right to Write. An invitation and initiation into the writing life.
Gendlin, E. (1982) Focusing.
Goldman, N. (1986) Writing Down the Bones. Freeing the writer within.
Kornfield, J (1993). A Path with Heart. The perils and promises of spiritual life
Levine, P. (1997) Waking the Tiger - Healing Trauma
Levine, P. (2010) In an Unspoken Voice. How the body releases trauma and restores goodness
Levine, S (1997) A Year to Live. How to live this year as if it were your last.
Moore, T (1995). Care for the soul. A guide for creating depth and sacredness in everyday life
Neff, K. (2011). Self-compassion. Stop beating yourself up and leave insecurity behind
Plotkin, B. (2003). Soulcraft: Crossing into the mysteries of nature and psyche
Werner, K (1996). Effortless Mastery. Liberating the master musician within.